Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facebook, Google, YouTube most popular sites in Africa: Opera

The latest version of a mobile web report by software giant Opera focused on the use of mobile web in Africa.
The 12 countries using Opera Mini most in that region are South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Ghana, Sudan, Libya, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Namibia, Mozambique and Mauritius.
Facebook, Google and YouTube are the most favoured sites in all of the mentioned countries. In terms of handsets, Nokia takes the top spot followed by Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and LG.
The report said, “From June 2009 to June 2010, page views in these African countries increased by 182 per cent, unique users increased by 124 per cent, and the amount of data transferred increased by 160 per cent.”
Sudan and Ghana lead the region in terms of page view growth (4,645.6 per cent and 916.5 per cent, respectively) as well as in terms of growth in the number of unique users (1,225.0 per cent and 498.8 per cent, respectively).
On the other hand, Kenya takes the lead in page views per user, with each user browsing 639 pages on average every month.
In a previous version of the report, Opera listed the favourite sports sites visited by Opera Mini users in June 2010 ie during the FIFI 2010 World Cup. According to that version of the report, while the site most favoured globally was, India had preferred

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