Monday, January 3, 2011

Application review – Road SMS

If you are among those who love messaging and cannot keep their hands off their keypads, then there is a fantastic application for you.

Road SMS minimises the chance of mishaps by enabling users to type messages while walking on the street.
With this app, one is able to view the road through one's mobile phone screen while typing messages using a transparent keyboard. The app uses the phone's camera for showing the road. So, there are less chances of tripping on a stone while walking or getting hit by a vehicle!
However, the application does not work if you try to read SMSs sent by other people. Also, users have to make sure they don't cover the camera's lens while holding the phone horizontally for the app to work properly.
Road SMS was last updated in September and comes free with a Samsung Apps subscription. It is also available at Android Market for Rs 54, which we think is a bit much.
This application is cool but we will still advise you not to use your phone while walking on road as it may be dangerous.

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